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Thursday 12 Sep 2019


Poster 01: Addressing gendered decision-making: adapting career guidance and counselling practice to the contemporary family structure

Emma BolgerFoyer

Research into the career decision-making processes of young people in gender atypical occupations can inform practitioners how we can adapt and develop our practice to ensure inclusivity. Simultaneously, to ensure continued applicability, career development theory requires continuous review and adaptation in practice to meet the needs of individuals in society. In this study, these two themes combine to address why some vocational routes remain ‘out of bounds’ to young people for social and cultural reasons. The poster presents a major study of young people’s career decision-making processes, undertaken as part of a project examining how gendered career decision-making affects entry routes to the contemporary labour market. Using the Scottish Modern Apprenticeship programme as a data source, the research considers both the decision maker and the individuals that influence people’s career decisions, with a specific focus on the modern family structure. The study relates to equality and inclusion agendas in education, vocational training, further and higher education and employment and the related issues of the economic impact of skills (under-) utilisation and social inclusion. The conclusions will offer career guidance and counselling practitioners new approaches to improving gender inclusivity in their practice.

University of the West of Scotland and Heriot-Watt University, UK
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
decision-making, gender, inclusion, poster, vocational,

Poster 02: Career competencies - research on a sample of Slovak respondents

Stefan Vendel & Ivana ZilkovaFoyer

The aim of this study was investigated what career competences could be identified and operationalized through a newly created career competency instrument. The theoretical basis for the construction of the instrument - questionnaire - was an integrated framework of career competencies (Ackermans et al., 2012). In the creation of the universe of items, it was drawn from items of existing foreign instruments and from interviews with experts in career guidance and human resources management (N = 7). 68-items version of the questionnaire was administered to a sample of adult employees to determine the factor structure of the questionnaire. Using an exploratory factor analysis, a 5-factor model was identified explaining 52.2% of the total variance. The five identified factors (five career competencies) were named as Career Reflection, Contact Networks, Labour Market Research, Career Management, and Self-presentation. Based on EFA results, a final version of the 30-item questionnaire was composed and verified. On a sample of 259 respondents adequate evidence of the reliability of questionnaire scales was showed by verifying the internal consistency of scales, α = .86 to .94. Construct evidence of validity was demonstrated by the replication of the 5-factor structure of career competences by EFA (67.16% total variance). In addition, differences were found in the scales of the questionnaire between senior employees, as well as highly qualified staff and regular employees with a higher score of the first two in the scales: Career Reflection, Contact Networks, Career Management and Self Presentation. Evidence of a divergent validity has been demonstrated through the identified weak correlations between career competencies and a different construct, i.e. personality traits. Evidence of the criterial validity was obtained by demonstrating relationships between career competences and career success indicators, namely career satisfaction, perceived employability, earnings and the amount of promotion.

University of Prešov, Slovakia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career competencies, employee, measurement of career competencies, poster,

Poster 03: Career education curriculum - possible development in the Czech Republic

Petr ChalušFoyer

Paper is based on study prepared for National Institute of Education and experts working group meetings about possible developments of Czech curriculum.
In the Czech curriculum exists currently educational area “Man and the World of Work” and only one topic from lot of others under this area (The World of the Work) is close to career education. Expected Outcomes are: become oriented in the work activities of selected professions; evaluate his/her potential when selecting a suitable profession and professional training; make use of professional information and advisory services for the selection of appropriate education; show in model situations the ability to present himself/herself when entering the labour market.
The main weakness is limited time, low priority and poor practice of the important topic (World of Work). It is realised only during the last years of basic education (8th or 9th). Schools can go through topic very quickly and to be focused only on the transition to secondary level of education. And most of other topics under the educational area “Man and the World of Work” are far from from CMS development (Work with Materials, Construction Activities, Food Preparation, etc.).
Possible strengths in the Czech curriculum are key competencies when Working Competencies are defined partly close to CMS: uses his or her knowledge acquired in the various educational areas for the benefit of his or her own development and preparation for the future; makes well-founded decisions regarding his or her future studies and/or profession;
Competencies are more declared than implemented in school practices. The main question in current expert debate is to use Czech curriculum strengths in next developments, to recognize CMS models, and to create space for continual development of career competency from beginning to the end of school education.

Euroguidance Centre, Czech Republic
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career education, curriculum, development, policy, poster,

Poster 04: Career education for an inclusive society: School management’s and teachers’ stance on providing individual support

Kathrin Kahner & Katja Driesel-Lange & Svenja Ohlemann & Ulrike WeylandFoyer

In German secondary schools, usually teachers plan and organize career education, often aside their teaching obligations (CE-teachers). As schools must promote equality of opportunity, career education should also address individual needs. Our study investigates school management’s and CE-teachers’ stance and perspective regarding facilitating individuals` career development through individualised career education.
Individuals’ career development can be based on Savickas´ (2011) Career Construction Theory. Accordingly, school-based career education should be examined i.e. regarding its content, organization, assessment modes and the necessary teaching personnel (Sultana, 2018). The Thuringian model of career education combines aspects of individual career competence development, the school-organizational level and teachers’ skills to accompany career education (Driesel-Lange, Hany, Kracke, & Schindler, 2010).
Delivering helpful career education programs requires involvement from teachers and a clarification of their roles (Hooley, Watts & Andrews, 2015). However, there is little research on school management’s and teachers’ perspectives on career education and the tasks and challenges that arise through its individualization.
This study is part of a larger, mixed-method design-based research project. The sample contains members of school management and CE-teachers at eleven secondary schools. In 2018, we conducted twenty-two guideline-based expert interviews. The interviewees come from two main, four comprehensive and five grammar schools in the states of Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Twenty interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed with a qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2010).
First analyses showed that different levels of awareness regarding the necessity of career education exist among school management. The commitment to deliver individual support and to tackle the related organizational challenges strongly differ between school types. Also, schools in social hotspots seem to implement the idea of an inclusive society better and more intensively in terms of career education.

University of Münster, Germany / Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career education, individualisation, poster, qualitative content analysis, school management, teacher,

Poster 06: Career Management Skills – The Importance of Their Application and Possibilities of Measurement

Libor KomárekFoyer

The main aim of this paper is to define and present Career Management Skills (CMS), to show why they are important and to discuss possibilities of measurement of their development and outcomes.
One had only a few times of transition in past. We chose our career path only once in our lives but not anymore. Recently we have more transitions and more changes in our career path. We need to have some meta-skillset for sustainable employability and we call them CMS. Although their definitions vary widely their meaning stays the same.
We map and describe the existing CMS frameworks from DOTS theory to modern national blueprints and discuss the opportunities for the establishment of the one global model, which seems to be impossible because of differences in educational and political systems between countries.
We discuss the application of CMS in different stages of education mainly in the Czech Republic. Some of CMS are part of curriculums at elementary and grammar schools, however, we don't have a curriculum or any recommendation at universities. The result of this is the fact, that those young people are taught in vocational topics but not in life or career topics.
The last part deals with the problems of measuring and evaluating of programs about CMS. The main difficulties are connected with a wide spectrum of factors influencing career choice and decision making, problems with a comparison between researches because of their different target groups, methods and techniques and differences between the political context of countries.
It leads us to the idea that we can collect all similarities and common parts of every CMS model and try to create a tool for valid measurement of CMS, which could be used throughout the countries.

Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career competencies, career education, career management skills, measuring of competences, poster,

Poster 07: Career-Focused School Counseling as a start for Career Construction

Kimmo PekkanenFoyer

Successful experiences in working life bolster integration and human agency. In work-based basic education (TEPPO), career-focused school counseling is the City of Vantaa’s new directive operating model that has not consciously been targeted at young people with immigrant backgrounds, but has in a short time given good signals as regards promotion of integration. In TEPPO activities, career-focused school counseling is viewed as a recurrent learning environment, beneficial for the young. Young people ages 14-16 can perform 5-7 learning-at-work weeks as part of the school year's learning and counseling process. Working-life knowledge, learning working-life skills, and development of career-planning competences act as support forms and promote integration (vantaa.fi).  Thus, the adult workplace communities are important actors in guiding the young. They can provide a directive environment for carrying out goal-oriented processes.

In work-based basic education, career-focused school counseling is naturally placed on the surface of career counseling and study counseling where also the life-long guidance time span is prevalent. Patton and McMahon (2006) describe the building of career choices while at school with the help of a systemic model. In addition to perceiving the field of self-knowledge and possibilities, especially the transfer-stage decision-making skills are boosted. The possibilities of obtaining education and employment are the higher, the better facilities an individual has for handling changes in life course.

Many highly educated immigrants striving for the labor market remain unemployed, underemployed or work in jobs that do not correspond with their education (vantaa.fi). Basic-education actors shall ensure that the new generation of immigrants will not be left on the sidetrack of education and working life. TEPPO activities’ career-focused school counseling builds new competences also for academic careers.

The effectiveness of counseling will improve when the goals and methods are consistent with one's own life experience and cultural values. The benefits from working-life connections can often turn the problem-oriented integration discussion into a more solution-focused direction.  Instead of listing mere challenges and restrictions, attention is focused on potentials.

City of Vantaa, Finland
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career education, career management skills, poster,

Poster 08: Changes in gender-stereotyped interests during the transition after high-school

Mirta Blažev & Toni Babarović & Iva ŠverkoFoyer

The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in vocational interests during the career transition after high-school and to determine the effects of gender in this change. We were particularly focused on highly gender-stereotyped interests as Holland's Realistic and Social interests and Tracey’s Mechanical, Data Processing, Social Facilitating and Helping interest. We have expected the decrease is same-gender-stereotyped interests, and increase in opposite-gender-stereotyped interests after the transition. Participants were final-grade high school students (18 years old) that were followed for a year and a half, during the transition from high school to work or higher education. Results showed, as expected, that men expressed stronger interests for Realistic, Data Processing and Mechanical domains, while women expressed stronger interests for Social, Social Facilitating and Helping domain, both in high-school and after the transition. After the transition, we observed only decrease in Mechanical interest in men sample and decrease in Social and Helping interest in women sample. This decrease can, to some extent, indicate that with age vocational interests become less gender stereotype consistent.

Institute of Social Sciences, Croatia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
gender differences, gender stereotypes, poster, vocational interest,

Poster 09: Civility and direct violence in high school senior Mexican students

Gabriela Cabrera & Patricia GomezFoyer

The increase in social violence in Mexico has impacted the daily lives of young people. Corruption and poverty are problems that generate social exclusion and are a cause of loss of confidence in the future, this favors the strengthening of conservative, individualistic and lacking expressions of shared social responsibility and solidarity with the common wellness.
In Mexico, the high school senior is the educational level prior to the university. For most students, it is the educational level where the first autonomous decisions are made, such as the choice of career and the age for the exercise of their citizens' rights and duties is reached. Therefore, during this stage, Guidance is crucial for the construction of life trajectories of students, also to the promote the democracy values.
Objective: Identify the most frequent civic, ethical and violent behaviors in the high school senior students of the UNAM.
Method: Descriptive study. Scale with 30 Likert items, Frequency from never to always. Sample: 865 High school senior students UNAM, from September to November 2018.
Results: The most frequent behavior was that "I speak badly of others". The less frequent behavior was the "I respond with blows if there is no other solution to a conflict".
"I speak badly of others" is a form of psychological violence that has been normalizing in Mexican society, due in part to the socializing action of sharing personal information among young people, this situation acquires a fun and social inclusion character for many adolescents, therefore, they start to practice more often this behavior, highlighting the nicknames to other students or teachers (Hoyos & others, 2011).
Conclusion: The young people should be support with Guidance strategies focused on the development of social skills to improve coexistence and promote respect for human rights, proper to an active citizenship.

UNAM (Mexico)
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
citizenship education, guidance, poster, scholar violence,

Poster 10: Clusters based on Personality and Behavior on Korean Career Counselors and Job Stress of Clusters

Au YunkyungFoyer

This study classified career counselors into three ‘clusters’ according to personality and behavioral factors. Based on previous research, personality factors were focused on depression(D), psychathenia(Pt), and social introversion(Si). In addition, behavioral factors were focused on both active and passive coping strategies. This study used MMPI-2; Depression(D), Psychathenia(Pt), Social Introversion(Si) T score and the stress coping scale. A cluster analysis was conducted on the sample of 87 Korean career counselors, 8 males(9.2%), and 79 females(90.8%) and was guided by the following research questions: Can Korean career counselors be clustered according to personality factors(depression, psychathenia, and social introversion) and behavioral factors(active or passive coping strategies)? How do the patterns of personality and behavioral factors vary according to the clusters? How is the level of the job stress according to the clusters?
The results demonstrated that the career counselors were divided into three clusters; namely, adaptive perfectionism, maladaptive perfectionism and nonperfectionism clusters. Furthermore, this study found that the adaptive perfectionism cluster was less susceptible to burnout and maintained their mental health better than the other clusters. It also showed the lowest levels of depression, psychathenia, and social introversion amongst counselors. On the other hand, the maladaptive perfectionism cluster had the lowest levels of coping strategies and high levels of depression and social introversion. And the level of job stress on the adaptive perfectionism cluster was lowest among the clusters. The study confirms that the use of active coping strategies as well as passive strategies is effective to prevent career counselor’s burn-out.
This study implies that career counselors need to use both active and passive coping strategies in their field. Also ‘extroversion’ has been regarded as better than ‘introversion’ in social life. But if career counselors of high ‘social introversion’ use two coping strategies effectively, they can prevent their burn-out.

Kongju National University, South Korea
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
behavioral factor, career counselor, job stress, personality factor, poster,

Poster 11: Common thematic areas within selected CMS frameworks and their reflection in context of social justice

Martinkovičová Lenka & Hašková KateřinaFoyer

The poster is presenting a career competence summary based on the thematic comparison of nine selected career management skills (CMS) frameworks. Based on two independent synthesis, four common areas were identified: self, horizons, career management, and community. The added value of this poster is in connecting topics of CMS and social justice; poster presents a mind map with described common areas of competences together with possible challenges and risks connected with their development in context of social justice. There are also suggestions regarding relevant competences for career guidance practitioners for client’s CMS development in context of social justice.

Association for Career Counselling and Career Development, Slovakia and Czech Republic
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career management skills, poster,

Poster 12: Constructing career and meaning in life in a personal way: exploring the links between experiencing meaning of life, career indecision, and temperament and character dimensions

Szabolcs Urbán & Monika Kissné ViszketFoyer

In emerging adulthood the searching and constructing meaning in life are important components of optimal psychological functioning, and promote personal growth. These processes are closely link to personal tasks such as career choise and career construction. Moreover, the connections between lack of meaning in life and career indecision, are strongly influenced by personality traits.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between experiencing meaning of life and career choise from perspective of personality differences.
We used Hungarian version of Meaning of Life Questionnaire for measuring the extend of search for meaning and presence of meaning. Hungarian version of Career Factors Inventory were used for measuring career indecision, and the shortened Hungarian 55-item version (TCI55) of the Cloninger’s TCI for identification of personality differences. Hungarian young adults completed the questionaires.
Our results show that there was correlations between the presence of meaning and dimensions of career indecisions, however the extend and patterns of these associations differed depending on both personality traits.
We can conclude that temperament and character dimensions strongly influence not only the career construction, but the more fundamental personal task of searching meaning in life. Our results confirm that everyone can design their life in their own way.

Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary / Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career indecision, emerging adulthood, meaning in life, personality differences, poster,

Poster 13: Decision-making and student motivation for careers in nursing: a pre-employment focus group interview

Hiromi Atsuzawa & Tanaka Emiko & Watanabe Kumi & Anme TokieFoyer

Background: Currently, Japan must expand the field of nursing and its workforce in order to provide services for a super aging society, within a social background of a declining birthrate. However, qualitative changes are being made in nursing higher education and the specialized/certified nursing system. A report on career and vocational education was announced from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2011, and career education was promoted.
Methodology: We conducted a focus group interview with 2 groups of 7 students who would soon begin employment as nurses. We assessed their motivation toward their occupation and their thoughts about future careers, and then conducted a qualitative content analysis based on career theory.
Results: The analysis revealed that students felt the necessity to have clinically relevant skills, and that students who were highly conscious of the formation of their careers were thinking about obtaining degrees and future careers outside of clinical settings. College students had vague goals associated with future careers, but had chosen environments that might fulfill their ambitions. Though participants already experienced clinical training at a university, they experienced difficulty forming concrete images because their main source was real experiences and information from familiar people or the Internet. They also thought that relationships in the workplace greatly affected career development as a nurse. Based on this, participants had an positive attitude towards their profession and were motivated to think about approaches and skills to help them meet their career goals.
Conclusions:The training of practical skills is important in nursing, but students are seeking human relationships that can aid learning across educational backgrounds and age barriers. It may be necessary to enhance the diversity of career education in the field of nursing.

University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career education, motivation, new graduate nurse, nursing student, poster,

Poster 14: Development of Hungarian Counselling Psychologists’ Subjective Professional Competences and Their Professional Collective Self-Esteem

Kissné Viszket Mónika & Paszkál Kiss Károly GáspárFoyer

Background and aims: Perceived professional competences are necessary elements of professional identity, and a developing professional identity reinforces subjective professional competences in turn. We study how graduate university studies shape counselling psychology competences and professional identity at a counselling psychology professional postgraduate programme in Hungary.
Method: Paper-pen questionnaires were used to explore Hungarian counselling psychologists’ perception of their professional competences. Their professional collective self-esteem was measured by a Hungarian adaptation of Crocker and Luhtanen’s Collective Self-esteem Scale We asked 334 postgraduate counselling psychologists entering or finishing the professional training of counselling psychology after their Psychology MA. The data collection was conducted in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Results: Graduating students in the counselling psychology postgraduate training programme felt significantly more competent as compared to their first year answers. Significant increase was detected in the competences covering personal-, family- and group-counselling, crisis-intervention, in the competences of helping lifestyle change, motivating clients to psychotherapy. In a multiple regression analysis, competences in counselling intervention and in conducting first (explorative) interview appeared as the main predictors of a perceived general professional competence. The dimensions of professional collective self-esteem (private, public, identification, membership) change as well during the training, and correlate with the strengthening of the perceived professional competences at the same time.
Discussion: Our results show a significant and meaningful change in both perceived professional competencies and professional identification during postgraduate studies. And we could also show their mutual reinforcement.

Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary / Károly Gáspár University of the Reformd Church in Hungary, Hungary
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
counselling psychology, perceived professional competences, poster, professional collective self-esteem,

Poster 15: Differences in Resilience According to Cluster Types based on Career Commitment and Career Flexibility

Sujung LeeFoyer

This study examined cluster types based on career commitment and career flexibility and investigated differences in resilience of each cluster. A survey was conducted with 555 prospective graduate students in four universities. Cluster analysis was carried out and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to investigate the group differences in resilience. Four clusters were suggested and each cluster is characterized by the level of career commitment and career flexibility: commitment-flexibility, commitment-inflexibility, disengagement-flexibility, and disengagement-inflexibility. It is proved that commitment-flexibility group exists. That is, a group choosing a certain career and simultaneously opened to various alternatives is possible to exist. In addition, commitment-flexibility group showed the highest resilience that having both committed and flexible attitude toward career has positive influence on adaptation in adverse situation. The implication from the study results is that flexibility and commitment are emphasized simultaneously in career and thus new perspective of future career counseling in practice and career education is proposed.

Korea University, South Korea
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career commitment, career flexibility, cluster analysis, poster, resilience,

Poster 16: Distance Learning Master´s Programme for Professionalisation of Career Counselling in Mongolia

Michael Scharpf & DAGVA-OCHIR Bumdari & BAZARVAANI Khishignyam & BISHKHORLOO Boldsuren & ERTELT Bernd-Joachim & NERGUI Doljin & SANJPERENLEI NandintsetsegFoyer

Mongolia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world due to its size. Almost half of the population lives in rural areas, mostly as nomads. At the same time, the Mongolian economy needs qualified specialists. For example, there is currently a shortage of around 40,000 skilled workers in the raw materials sector. The Mongolian VET system is currently unable to meet this demand. A major reason for this is certainly the lack of vocational orientation among school leavers and the inadequate provision of professional career guidance and information. In addition, counsellors often lack the necessary qualifications. The National University of Mongolia (NUM) has recognised this need for action. Since 2017 a Master's programme in Career Studies – since 2018 also in distance learning format – has been implemented. Yearly, up to 30 students with work experience in related fields are qualified as career counsellors. The distance learning programme is mainly used by students from the rural regions of Mongolia. After completing their studies, graduates can offer professional counselling services in their provinces. In this way, vocational guidance and counselling will also be disseminated in the rural regions of Mongolia. The distance learning programme can serve as good practice for other countries that are in the process of transformation. The programme thus forms the basis for future development projects, e. g. capacity building in career guidance in the international higher education sector.

University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA), Germany / National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career guidance, good practice, master´s programme, poster, professionalisation,

Poster 17: Education, Development, Advice in educational and vocational guidance: Evolution of the professionalism of the practitioners in the French state school system

Lydia DEYREM & Suzanne BULTHEEL & Sylvie AmiciFoyer

This poster discusses the role of the psychologist who intervenes in school. It addresses three points:
1- From career advisor to Psychologist and vocational counselor.
2- From Psychologist and vocational counsellor to the Psychologist in the National Educational system
3- Role of the Psychologist within the French National Educational System
And in conclusion what is a free public service of the French Ministry of Education?

APsyEN, France
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
french state school, poster, psychologis, teenagers,

Poster 18: ErasmusEmploymentPlus: Equiping guidance practitioners with skills and knowledge to provide customised support for sustained progression

Jeroen Bregman & Karin SteinerFoyer

The aim of the EU co-funded ErasmusEmploymentPlus (EEP) project is to develop new, tailored guidance practice that addresses the social exclusion of Europe’s adult citizens in the labour market who have limited skills and qualifications. These clients may be unemployed or working in unskilled and low-skilled occupations.
By developing the skills, knowledge and competencies of guidance practitioners, we hope to equip them with the confidence and tools to support their clients in the rapidly changing global labour market.
We believe that there is work to be done in this area as, often, guidance offers are not specifically designed for those adults with limited skills and qualifications.
The expected project outputs will be developed over three years through effective collaboration between a range of experienced project partners from across Europe. We will begin by producing a Methodological Concept, which will inform the direction of the subsequent outputs. The Matrix of Learning Competences will set out the detailed occupational knowledge, skills, and competencies for working with this client group. These two outputs will inform the development of a set of Training Modules and accompanying Learning Facilitator’s Guide. Alongside this, we will produce an e-learning platform, which will act as a shared digital space for all EEP guidance practitioners. The final two outputs will be a Skills Assessment Tool, and a Guide to Quality Standards and Success Criteria.

The EEP project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Its partners come from six countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom.

Noloc, Netherlands / Abif, Austria
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
guidance practitioners, low-skilled, poster, sustained progression, training programme,

Poster 19: EURAXESS Slovakia: collaborating for better careers in research

Janka KottulovaFoyer

The poster introduces various activities and services provided by SAIA/EURAXESS Slovakia in the field of career development for researchers and highlights how these activities require that SAIA takes over the role of knowledge-broker and active networker engaging variety of actors across different sectors and fields. As mobility funding agency, SAIA has a long record of promoting mobility as an important aspect of researchers’ career development. The extension of EURAXESS mandate towards more holistic support for professional development of researchers leading to careers both within and outside academia prompted the members of the network, including SAIA, to search for the ways how to deliver such services, in many cases, without the prior experience or specific expertise in the field of career support. Besides developing the internal capacities, different types of networking with intra-institutional and external partners have been identified as the most effective response to this challenge. For SAIA/EURAXESS Slovakia this networking has three main dimensions: First, as a member of European network and partner in several EU-funded projects SAIA benefits from the possibility to exchange with and learn from other members with the tradition of providing career support for researchers. Second, as an institution with established position within the Slovak HE and research landscape SAIA has and uses the opportunities to streamline the topic of researchers’ career development towards different stakeholders, including policy makers and management of the universities and research institutions in Slovakia. Finally, collaboration with external actors and experts is a crucial part in the provision of career focused activities organised by SAIA for PhD students and early career researchers.

Slovak Academic Information Agency, Slovakia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career support, cross-sectoral collaborations, poster, researchers’ careers,

Poster 20: Guidance and counselling in ODL programs - Case Nepal

Seija Koskela & Anne LeppänenFoyer

During the last two years two Finnish universities of applied sciences, JAMK and HAMK, have been supporting the Tribhuvan University (TU), the biggest university in Nepal to develop their open and distance learning (ODL) processes in a project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. While developing the ODL processes, guidance and counselling was included in them as a new element because the importance of guidance and counselling had been well recognized. Thus one of the project aims was to establish a guidance and counselling progress plan in TU and regional campuses to ensure that students get support to progress in their studies, and that they are aware of their higher education and career options.
As guidance and counselling is a relatively new concept and guidance and counselling practices are not familiar in the Nepalese higher education context, we have arranged workshops and trainings to familiarise them to the teaching personnel. As the current project aims at supporting the university to reach educational equity by offering ODL courses for students who live in remote areas as well as to female and other minority group students and students with disabilities – for all those students who cannot attend regular courses, one essential factor in this effort is to provide guidance and counselling from the very beginning of the study pathway all the way until the graduation. The development process is still going on but so far we have reached encouraging results in promoting guidance and counselling ideology to the participating university staff members.

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, The School of Professional Teacher Education, Finland
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
equity, guidance and counselling, ODL, poster,

Poster 21: How are career services supporting international students?

Erik ZeltnerFoyer

The rising number of international tertiary students and their successful transition from higher education into the graduate labor market, including the utilization of their international experience on a globalised market after graduation, is not only a challenge for the students but has also become a critical factor for host universities and career and employability services. This development and a lack of quality in the career service provision for international students in European countries raise the question of the current state in the career service provision in higher education and the service provision for international students and graduates.
Based on case studies generated in cooperation with different European higher education institutions (HEIs) in Germany, the UK and the Netherlands, I provide a contrasting analysis regarding the evolution of career service provisions, how services are embedded in the career and employability strategy of HEIs and/or how they emerge from the HEIs strategy. Additionally, I take marketing of services, environmental trends and developments, and career expectations of international students and their expectations regarding the services into account.
By the end of the session participants are able to:
- Analyze aspirations of international students and environmental conditions and trends that are relevant for the employability of international students in different European countries;
- Identify different strategies of career services of European HEIs for international students;
- Identify best practices by contrasting various career services, its evolution, strategies (selection of the fittest, instrument of inclusion, etc.), marketing and generate new ideas for their own HEI;
- Receive a free copy of a journal article directly related to the topic, if they participate actively.

Utrecht University / Entre2C, Austria
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career services, employability, higher education, international students, poster,

Poster 22: How to find strength and motivation for studies

Eeva Kylä-Setälä & Heli Sipilä & Maarit HeusalaFoyer

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences is involved in the ESR-project the target of which is to prevent the suspension of studies, to support students comprehensively during their studies and to improve students mental health and coping skills. In this presentation the focus is on developing support models for students who haves difficulties in their studies. According to research, the first signs of difficulties can be seen during the first year of studies. We focused on second and third semester students most in need of support most by consulting lectures, counsellors and study guidance counsellors. The criteria to find the right students to support were ECTS credits, absences and other worries.
The main idea was to offer support for students in the formed groups. The approach was the pedagogy of strengths. The keywords in action were student participation, solution-oriented approach and life management skills.
The first pilot group was formed in autumn 2018. Students who were interested were interviewed. We pointed out the meaning of commitment for participating and confidentiality. Seven students started the group process. The support group included four meetings. Each meeting had a special theme: identity and values; time management; self-perception, understanding of self as a learner, thought patterns of oneself; stress and wellbeing.
The experience was a success. The project continues and in spring 2019 we had two separate groups. The need for support is apparent also in the middle and end stages of studying. For the later stage students the themes are the same. The method was psychodrama.
Support is also needed when a student returns to studies after a break and during the time leading up to graduation. Support was also developed for these situations. The main focus in these groups has been thesis support. The need for this kind of group is also obvious.

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
coping skills, mental health, poster, solution-oriented, student participation, support model,

Poster 23: KIPINÄ: SPARKS Career Counselling

Minna KatteliFoyer

I will present the key characteristics of the SPARKS career counselling model for individual counselling and peer group counselling of young people and adults, and the tools used in the counselling process: the visual and structured SPARKS chart, the SPARKS cards, and the SPARKS menus. The objective of the SPARKS model is to make transparent the career counselling process and to help the counsellee visualize the various areas of their life (using
the SPARKS chart) which impact career and action planning. The SPARKS model has its theoretical foundation in constructivist approaches, including sociodynamic career counselling, life design counselling, and contextual action theory.
In the SPARKS model, visualization is the main counselling method used to analyze the career counselling session and record it on the SPARKS chart using text, drawings, and colours. Visualization here also means using different visual tools in the counselling session to promote dialogue. The SPARKS questions and task cards contain a great many methods for visual counselling, activity exercises, narrative exercises, as well as tasks and questions
based on mental imagery. The SPARKS strengths and emotional description cards can help to reveal counsellees’ true feelings and thoughts, and the SPARKS menus are handy tools that assist counsellees to quickly identify strengths and areas needing improvement—as well as what are, for them, important qualities in future jobs. For counsellees, the SPARKS Career Counselling process means analyzing their objectives and options, strengthening their motivation and self-confidence, and bolstering their belief in a positive future. The approach helps them to mentally link themselves to the boundary conditions of their vocational preferences.

Tikkurila Upper Secondary School, Finland
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
individual and peer group counselling of young people and adults, menus and cards, poster, SPARKS career counselling, SPARKS chart,

Poster 24: Quality Assurance Standards in Career Guidance: A synthesis of research on 21 quality standards across Europe

Siobhan Neary & Vanessa Dodd & Erik Haug & Tristram HooleyFoyer

The poster presents the results of the QUAL-IM-G Erasmus + funded project which builds on the experience of different projects in the field of quality assurance for career guidance. The project reviewed current national and transnational quality assurance processes The poster presents an analysis a range of transnational and national quality assurance (QA) practices in career guidance within partner countries, 21 quality activities were assessed. The results identify the variation of different approaches, the factors that enable these approaches and the impact of these different approaches.
Most labels submitted were for individuals and organisations predominantly addressing all age needs, although specialist awards were identified that have a focus on SEND. Certification processes tended to be organisational focused, with smaller numbers addressing individual counsellors or both. Most of the labels examined were national standards and were voluntary. Only 14% of quality standards provide mentoring as part of the support resources for organisations and individuals. Assessments of quality standards tend to include both internal and external elements. A range of resources are available to support the process and include workshops, mentoring, portfolios, case studies and webinars for example. Audit methods predominantly include the production of portfolios of evidence and or assessment visits. Accreditation lengths lasted on average for 3 years but the longest being 5 years and shortest 1 year. 67% of quality labels had associated costs, these varied between €262 and €7500. Most quality assurance standards addressed multiple and inter-related aspects of provision including, professionalism, CPD, evaluation, partnerships, LMI, client satisfaction and leadership. Implications of these findings are discussed.

University of Derby, iCeGS, UK / Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
poster, quality, quality assurance, quality development,

Poster 25: Quality Development of Career Professionals and Organisations in Slovakia – results and lessons learned from the participative process

Tomas SprlakFoyer

The process of development of the Slovak quality assurance system for career guidance was initiated by the Association of Career Guidance and Career Development in 2017 as a grassroot initiative. The process of development included an international research into more than 20 existing career assurance practices in several European countries, as well as a wide consultation process with practitioners and stakeholders in Slovakia through focus groups and survey (n=135). This research was conducted in collaboration with partner organizations and universities from several European countries. The resulting quality standard contains 18 quality criteria in 5 quality areas. The innovativeness of the framework lays in its formalization of quality development: Quality criteria are formulated in 4 quality levels in order to promote the dynamic use of the standard for quality development. Also, a mentoring programme for practitioners as well as quality development framework for organizations were developed.

Association for Career Guidance and Career Development, Slovakia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
poster, quality, quality assurance, quality development, quality standard,

Poster 26: Shine On The Future/Light Your Future regional system to support pupils' educational and vocational choices

Jan Brabec & Jana SlezákováFoyer

The poster acquaints interested persons with the concept of platform „Posviť si na budoucnost (Shine On The Future/Light Your Future)“. It interprets the main pillars of the festival and its wider shot as a regional system of supporting educational and vocational way of the students in an understandable way. It’s mainly about the structure of the fair, methods of work in the preparing phase, during the event and afterwards and about additional activities of the platform outside the fair itself. The poster illustrates the atmosphere and venue of the event including the worksheet as a main tool of the methodology. The methodology itself builds on self-knowledge based on transferable (soft) skills, setting goals and motivation of the students for particular steps that aims at implementation of these objectives. Actually it is the methodology that makes the festival innovative and development model with higher potential for their outputs. It’s based on current paradigms in career and lifelong guidance that build on principle of empowering the target group and actively developing their career management skills (CMS).
The event itself represents possible tool for preparing future generation of (to become) labour market creators. According to the Industry 4.0 challenge, the closer linking of educational and work domains is shown as one of the potentially most effective way how to prepare upcoming generations for their career future. Empowering their own approaches to the learning process, reflecting the continual changes facing their own skills, goals and primarily, meaningful footprint in the society, the festival methodology focus on boosting these topics and developing them in contact with other schools and employers. At least, by the participating of the regional employers, it helps to connect and prepare for future trend of economic localization considering real limits of economic globalization as it can be seen today.

Info Kariera, Czech Republic
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career, educational choice, poster, regional stakeholders, soft skills, vocational choice,

Poster 27: Students’ trajectories during their Masters’ studies in the areas of ​Social and Legal Sciences in Spain

Beatriz Malik Liévano & Torrado, M. & Figuera, P. & Álvarez, P. & Arraiz, A. & Jurado, P. & Miranda, C. & Romero, S. & Llanes, J. & López, D. & Valls, R.G.Foyer

The concern about the factors that affect the permanence and academic achievement of students in higher education has contributed to the increase of research studies on transition processes and trajectories of university students. However, the level of Master's studies has been the least studied internationally. This contribution presents the preliminary results of a longitudinal study developed in the context of Master's degrees in the field of Social Sciences and Law (SSL) . Specifically, the adaptation process and the initial academic satisfaction of the students and their evolution are analyzed, as well as the levels of career adaptability and professional identity and their possible association with the profile of students and the previous trajectory of access. A total of 44 master's degrees from seven Spanish public universities participate in the research, constituting, as a whole, a representation of the different types of master's degrees existing in the Spanish territory. A questionnaire (Q1) was administered at the beginning of the course and another one (Q2) after the first months into it. The participant sample consists of 1795 students in the first phase (participation rate of 54.4%, sample error = 1.6%) and 1352 in the follow-up survey (participation rate of 46.1%, sampling error = 2% ). The results confirm the existence of differences between the profile and trajectory of access to the Master’s degree, depending on the type of master. They also confirm the importance of enhancing career management skills at this level, especially among those students who, after a continuous academic career and with limited work experience, have difficulties in developing a professional identity. Former professional experience is an important factor in the dimension of adaptability and professional identity.

UNED, Spain / Universidad de Sevilla, Spain / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain / Universidad de la Laguna, Spain / Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain / Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career adaptability, master's degrees, poster, professional identity, student transitions,

Poster 28: The Čadca Model of Interactive Professional Counselling - CAMIP

Alena HraškováFoyer

The Čadca Model of Interactive Professional Counselling – CAMIP is a longitudinal project dealing with the career orientation system for pupils in interaction with actual trends and possibilities of labour market. Project has been implemented since year 2000. This interactive job selection programme is innovative regarding to the methods which are being used within it, but also because of new topics, quality of provided services and mainly because of the connectivity between labour market, schools, pupils and Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling and Prevention Centres. It is being longitudinally implemented in five-steps modules: the first module is focused on the cooperation of educational counsellors towards pupils. Their first contact with this program starts at the age of 6. During this first phase of the program, methodical – supervision workshops, interactive lectures and counselling services are held. The second module enables pupils intra – natural environment program – The Days of Job Selection. It is composed of four sections Self – examination (psychological test and inquiries diagnostics – TIP, OTPO, Attitude Inquiry), Trends of labour market, Computer programmes of career counselling and Individual counselling interview for pupils and their parents whereby everybody obtains a methodical material officially named “What Am I Going to Be?”. The third part is implemented in the international spectrum and it carries on during international event in Čadca, in cooperation with ÚPSVaR as The Trade Fair of Information, Education and Employment and is closely connected to previously mentioned “Days of Job Selection” system leading up to complex system of preparation of job selection. Invited to take a part are assistant managers of schools, companies and cooperating organizations, pupils, students, children and parents. The fourth phase is composed of consultations – Counselling Days are focused also on specific topics as personal problems, health weakening issues and it is also keen on help for children from social disabled environment, gypsy children, etc. The fifth phase deals with the control survey focusing on the factors according to which children select their future job. Based on the data from the survey we regularly modify program for the next year. This project is longitudinal whereby it was developed through several phases – from experimental to implementation phase, and at present time we successfully implement the system model of CAMIP. The result creates an effective process of professional counselling.
In recent years, the CAMIP model has also been extended to secondary school students, EXPO CAREER ČADCA, the literal contest called “My Future Job”, workshops for high school students named “How to succeed in a job interview” and “Coffee with a career counsellor” workshop. There are held also other contests keen on the providing of job description information to pupils in the last year of their studies. The CAMIP model has its own website www.camip.sk and has been awarded several times in recent years.

Centre of Pedagogical – Psychological Counselling and Prevention in Čadca, Slovakia
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
career guidance, elementary school, poster, secondary education,

Poster 30: Training Career Counselors in Contemporary Narrative Approaches: Concerns and Future Directions

Katerina Argyropoulou & Katerina Mikedaki & Nikolaos Mouratoglou & Andronikos Kaliris & Sofia PapatheodorouFoyer

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens developed and delivered, for the first time, a program that aims at training career counselors in designing and implementing contemporary interventions based on narrative and reflective techniques, such as My Career Story workbook (MCS; Savickas & Hartung, 2012) and the intervention “Constructing my future purposeful life” (Di Fabio, 2015). The present study presents the evaluation from 20 participants working as Career Counselors in NGO's, as well as the private and public sector. Data were collected via focus groups –based on the four factors (active participation, research-practice gap, models, collaboration) suggested by Savickas et al. (2009) – and an online survey. The qualitative data were analysed with Qualitative Content Analysis, while the quantitative with SPSS 25.0. The conclusions reached –even though limited due to the small sample size– refer to both the methodology and the content of the training program. Specifically, participants mentioned that participants' number should be limited in order to guarantee active engagement and promote effective collaboration among them. Furthermore, a brief review of contemporary research should be completed prior to experiential activities, in order to ensure that learning will be integrated in a context, forming a conceptual continuum. Despite the fact that the present program included multiple experiential activities, participants stated that they needed more. This statement indicates that the major part of such programs should be oriented towards the implementation of methods, tools and techniques. Moreover, participants stated that the evaluation of such programs should also be checked in due course (follow-up), in order to enable participants reflect on their daily practice and provide enough time for skills/knowledge transference. Only then will the four factors suggested by Savickas et al. (2009) serve as a functional framework, based on which we can deepen and reflect on a career counselor training programs' effectiveness.

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
blended training program, evaluation, poster, reflective techniques, vocational guidance,

Poster 31: Vocational interests, transferable competences, job choice behaviour and coping strategies of unemployed young people

Jenny SchulzFoyer

The poster shows the results of a bachelor thesis written in 2017. Young unemployed people have to make vocational choices. Their former career paths are multifarious and episodes of unemployment cause new career choice processes. Vocational interests, transferable competences and the ability to cope with stress have an important influence on young people´s vocational choices.
This study investigates these personality traits and points out a number of interdependences.
The sample consisted of 57 unemployed young people aged 18 to 25 who had contacted the services of the German Federal Employment Agency. They volunteered to take part in paper-pencil surveys including MZZ-interest scales developed by Noworol and smK72+ scales developed by Frey and Balzer. Furthermore, stress-coping scales developed by Frey and questions investigating heuristics and vocational decision processes were used in this investigation.
The sample group could be divided into two clusters using different coping strategies. Cluster 1 used actional and cognitive involvement less often than cluster 2. The second cluster showed significant higher interests and competences and made more pondered decisions. The first cluster did not make use of heuristics and made quicker vocational decisions by ignoring information.
These findings show that counsellors also have to focus on the way their clients cope with stress. Recognizing clients’ coping strategies in counselling may help to find out how counselees make their vocational decisions. Thereby, counsellors will be able to detect their clients’ lack of information and help them to structure their information activities.

University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA), Germany
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
competences, coping strategies, heuristics, interests, poster, vocational choices,

Poster 32: Work Meaning Inventory: A Validity Study with Portuguese Workers

Joaquim Ferreira & José Rabaça & Eduardo Santos & Lídia Matos & Hida GashemiFoyer

Previous theory related to meaning of work and related constructs point to three main dimensions of the construct: Positive meaning in work, work as a means of making meaning, and the desire to contribute to the greater good (Steger, Dik, & Duffy, 2012). While there is research on meaning of work in the US (Kamdron, 2005) little is known about this construct in Portugal. We therefore conducted a validation study on a measure designed to assess the above dimensions: the Work Meaning Inventory (WMI; Steger, Dik, & Duffy, 2012). The sample consisted of 366 Portuguese working adults (65.6% males and 34.4% females; ages 22-74 years; M = 44.70, SD = 10.82). Participants completed a self-report online survey which included demographics (e.g., gender, age, job tenure, social ladder), the Work Meaning Inventory, the Job Satisfaction Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results revealed that the 3-factor correlational model provided an acceptable fit on the fit indices, χ²(df = 32) = 103.861; CFI = .95; TLI = .93; SRMR = .035; RMSEA = .078; RMSEA 90% CI = [.062, .095]. We also predicted job satisfaction and life satisfaction using a hierarchical regression model. The full model explained 46% and 37.3% of the variance of job satisfaction and life satisfaction, respectively. Endorsement of positive meaning and meaning making through work were associated with more job satisfaction (p < .001), whereas positive meaning was also positively associated with higher life satisfaction (p <.001).The current study confirmed a 3-factor structure of the Portuguese version of the Work Meaning Inventory. Predictive validity revealed the importance of the positive meaning and meaning making through work factors to job satisfaction and positive meaning to life satisfaction criteria. We discuss the similarities and differences of our results with those reported in the U.S.

University of Coimbra, Portugal
Thu 09:00 - 11:00
job satisfaction, life satisfaction, poster, validity, work meaning inventory,