>Tools fair
Tools fair

Tools fair

During this session you will be able to discover practical tools for your guidance practice, as well as meet and discuss their authors. (The duration of the fair is extended until 18:30).

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Thursday 12 Sep 2019


Tool 01: Bilan de compétences / skills audit adapted to Roma people – experience from Hungary Bulgaria, Romania and Greece

Ronald SchonknechtFoyer

Bilan de compétences / skills audit is a specific approach career guidance based on an analysis of knowledge, skills and competences of individuals, including their aptitudes and motivations to define a career project and/or plan professional reorientation or a training project.
The bilan de compétences is based on the voluntariness and active participation of the participant and uses evaluation of competences acquired in formal and informal context as well as personal characteristics and motivations related to the occupational, economic and social environment of the client. It leads to elaboration of the realistic career objective and the action plan. It is based on multidisciplinary approach and strong cooperation with local stakeholders (employers, employment services, NGOs etc.).
Since 2013, this approach has been in use in different projects in the region of Kiskunhalás (Hungary) and Buzău (Romania) as a tool for helping members of the marginalized Roma population to integrate the labour market.
The adapted methodology of the bilan de compétences/skills audit for the population of Roma will be presented: competence portfolio, personal survey, group observation exercises, final report and action plan as well as other practical counselling tools and approaches used in practice.

Thu 16:30 - 18:30
bilan de compétences, Roma people, skills audit, tool,

Tool 02: Building Learning territories through Open Badges: enable the encounter of individuals recognition and territories needs.

Eden Jean-Marie & Muriel MoujeardFoyer

We believe that the role of the counsellor is no longer to guide but to help the individual to perceive and widen the field of possibilities. These capacities are closely linked to the reflective practice which includes two orientations: one turned towards yourself (internal), the second one towards the environment (external).
We assume that the individual and his counsellor will have to act on two dimensions: the individual dimension – the development of skills, feeling of competence, and desire to act; the collective dimension – the resources and opportunities offered by the socio-economic environment, but also the individual’s perception and feeling of control over these opportunities.

We support the emergence of a reflective practice affecting both orientations (internal/external) and both dimensions (individual/collective), by accompanying individuals and territories with two complementary approaches: one focused on the individual dimension (DIA#LOG), the other one on the collective dimension (building Learning territories with Open Badges). While DIA#LOG responds to the internal orientation, the creation of learning territories integrating Open Badges aims to allow the external orientation of reflective practice.
Our objective is to design pathways for the identification, acquisition and recognition of transversal skills to enable people excluded from the world of work to embark on pathway of learning. These pathways are based on identified skills needs and existing resources of the territory materialized and translated into co-constructed Open Badges.

Fédération Nationale des CIBC, France
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
learning territory, Open Badges, recognition, reflective practice, soft skills, tool,

Tool 04: E-learning in career counselling

Veronika Zibrínyiová & Zuzana KožárováFoyer

Career development, including the enhancement of career management skills, is considered one of the key areas of student development in the context of employability. The report focuses on the description of the electronic (online) course, which aims to help students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice to understand the functioning of the labour market, to realize their own competencies and to name them in relation to employability. At the same time, it allows them to develop a career plan as a basis for future work success. The report also describes the results of testing the pilot version of e-learning on a small sample of students. The benefits of e-learning include increasing the likelihood of students/graduates employment on the labour market, increasing the availability and attractiveness of career counselling through the use of innovative methods to as many university students as possible, including students with specific needs, and linking it with the activities offered by the university and University Counselling Centre, in addition to their studies.

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
career development, e-learning, tool, university,

Tool 05: How I Do It - career guidance activities

Miroslava BřezinováFoyer

Day D and The Child / student company: practical introduction to employment opportunities not only as an employee but also as an employer - entrepreneur
(distribution into "business" groups, business plans, advertising slogans, production of products (service), presentations)
Journey to the profession:
theoretically: description of the work of the individual activities that are applied in the companies
practically: in the form of excursions with the possibility to try different professions.
These activities are usable in career counseling at primary school for pupils of 8th and 9th class.
Objective of the activities: basic familiarity with the topic of choice of occupation, business and application in regional companies
Activities are usable within RVP / ŠVP - Working activities - the world of work

Elementary school Blovice, Czech Republic
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
business plans, career counselling, elementary school, tool,

Tool 06: JOB CENTER: Review of the initiative to rehabilitate vulnerable groups in Municipality of Athens, Greece

Georgiou ElisavetFoyer

The economic crisis and the rising unemployment in Greece over the last decade has led to the creation of the first Job Center in Greece was created with the initiative of the Municipality of Athens.
Its specific and ultimate goal is to help individuals of vulnerable social groups to progress through a holistic model of mobilization, skills’ empowerment, support throughout the job search, as well as the support to adapt to their new work environment.
The benefiting population groups are targeted at people who are disadvantaged in terms of their smooth integration into the labor market due to economic, social and cultural causes such as unemployed young people, unemployed people over 50, unemployed women, single parent families, illiterate, long-term unemployed, former or current prison prisoners, juvenile offenders, people with linguistic or cultural specificities refugees and immigrants.
After two years of operation, we are pleased to have served more than 300 beneficiaries, of whom about 4 out of 10 are actively working.
By applying an innovative approach with the holistic support of the beneficiaries and by supporting them in the social and psychological issues they face, combined and in co-operation with various specialized stakeholders, we have been able to increase the rates of the work placements every month.
Our motto is "Together we create a new beginning" because we want to teach the beneficiaries how to fish and not eat the fish that someone gives them by solidarity.

Job Center Municipality of Athens, Greece
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
Greece, rehabilitation, tool, vulnerable groups,

Tool 07: JOBLAND – improving career learning at school in primary education

Anita Montagna & Iannis GiulioFoyer

By challenging stereotypical views about certain careers and promoting self-exploration, career learning (CL) activities help children raise aspirations and play a crucial role when it comes to improving social mobility and contrasting disadvantage. Despite robust evidence on the importance of CL in an early age, this remains a key challenge in many European Countries.
The JOBLAND project represents an international action research on early CL (www.joblandproject.eu). The research, funded by Erasmus+, is promoted by an international partnership among universities and career guidance providers. It aims to investigate the state of the art of early CL in Europe in order to help schools improve the quality of CL activities during the first step of school education (with resources, educational games, training materials).
The JOBLAND consortium decided to adopt as pedagogical approach the methodology of Participatory Action Research with the active involvement of the project stakeholders in the co-creation of the project outputs.
As a preliminary step of the project, 160 teachers, guidance practitioners and public authorities from Romania, Italy, UK, Spain and Turkey were involved in 21 focus groups which investigated the participants’ understanding of CL, their emerging needs and mapped existing CL activities.
Results show that participants‘ definitions of CL generally focus on two main areas which broadly refer to self-explorations/self-awareness and to undestanding the world of work and careers. Many participants highlighted the role of CL in preventing early school leaving, leveraging social inequalities and fighting stereotypes.
Participants listed a variety of activities done at a school, regional and national level which often lack a comprehensive terminology, methodological framework and quality assurance methods. Participants consistently reported the need for training materials and educational resources.
Results of the focus groups represent the foundational step of the JOBLAND project. They offer a strong rationale for building effective models of early CL and for developing tools and resources as foreseen in the JOBLAND project.

Centro Studi Pluriversum, Italy
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
career education, gamification, JOBLAND, primary, school, tool,

Tool 08: KIPINÄ: SPARKS Career Counselling (Practical tool/method/activity)

Minna KatteliFoyer

I will present the key characteristics of the SPARKS career counselling model for individual counselling and peer group counselling of young people and adults, and the tools used in the counselling process: the visual and structured SPARKS chart, the SPARKS cards, and the SPARKS menus. The objective of the SPARKS model is to make transparent the career counselling process and to help the counsellee visualize the various areas of their life (using the SPARKS chart) which impact career and action planning. The SPARKS model has its theoretical foundation in constructivist approaches, including sociodynamic career counselling (Peavy, 1997, 2004), life design counselling (Savickas, 2012), and contextual action theory (Young & Valach, 2004). (Kattelus, 2019b)
In the SPARKS model, visualization is the main counselling method used to analyze the career counselling session and record it on the SPARKS chart using text, drawings, and colours. Visualization here also means using different visual tools in the counselling session to promote dialogue. The SPARKS questions and task cards contain a great many methods for visual counselling, activity exercises, narrative exercises, as well as tasks and questions based on mental imagery. The SPARKS strengths and emotional description cards can help to reveal counsellees’ true feelings and thoughts, and the SPARKS menus are handy tools that assist counsellees to quickly identify strengths and areas needing improvement—as well as what are, for them, important qualities in future jobs.
For counsellees, the SPARKS Career Counselling process means analyzing their objectives and options, strengthening their motivation and self-confidence, and bolstering their belief in a positive future. The approach helps them to mentally link themselves to the boundary conditions of their vocational preferences.

Tikkurila Upper Secondary School, Finland
Thu 16:30 - 18:30

Tool 09: Learner-centered digital ecosystem of competence development - Enterprise Architecture guiding the digital transformation

Antti Laitinen & Ari RouvariFoyer

CompLeap (www.compleap.eu) is an EU (DG Connect) funded project developing new kind of digital solutions to support lifelong competence development. Since there is already a lot of different digital solutions available in the market the project aims to create the framework architecture design which helps to create interoperability between such services. This kind of method is useful also when developing digital guidance services and basically any kind of digital services for learners – the problem is that quite often the development of digital services is not based upon this kind of shared architecture and therefore for example different information systems often are not at all interoperable which also makes their use difficult.
Upon the framework architecture design created in this project CompLeap is also creating new kind of digital service prototypes to this ecosystem. A practical tool that could be used also in career and study guidance is the digital competence profile which gives recommendations of suitable educational paths based on your interest and earlier competence development.
Framework architecture design:
In CompLeap project the enterprise architecture (EA) method is used for creating an integrated and holistic learner-centred digitalised ecosystem framework that will look beyond existing, often siloed, structures.
Main aims and reasons to use EA in general are:
1. Putting the strategy into action
2. Visualizing the ideas and future
3. Steering, leading and decision making
4. Communicating and co-operating
5. Interoperability in all architecture layers
6. For gaining digital transformation
EA is a well working, actually crucial, tool for planning and achieving the learner-centred digitalised ecosystem of competence development.

CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
digital services, enterprise architecture, interoperability, lifelong guidance and counselling, Lifelong learning, strategic design, tool,

Tool 10: REFLEX - Researcher Career Development Scheme (Online and off-line tool)

Janka KottulovaFoyer

The REFLEX scheme is a tool developed to help research institutions and professionals assisting researchers to take a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to the career development of researchers. Specifically, the tool aims to (a) support research institutions in developing tailor-made institutional strategies for career development of their researchers and (b) help researchers, their supervisors and career advisors discuss the individual professional development strategies. The tool can be used in both individual and group setting, and it is suitable for both one-off discussion and brainstorming sessions as well as for the long-term strategy building activities. The tool was developed within the REFLEX project supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration. More information about the tool are available at the REFLEX project website: https://euraxess-reflex.saia.sk

Slovak Academic Information Agency, Slovakia
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
career development strategy, career support, researchers’ careers, tool,

Tool 11: Research driven workshop for developing career counselling practices in HE

Leena Penttinen & Leena ItkonenFoyer

In 21st century, HE students have more feelings of insecurity because of the changing world of work and society. At the same time, resources for career guidance are limited and academic staff is struggling in identification of their role in supporting students’ career related tasks.
Embedding employability into the academic curricula has received increasing attention during the last decades. There is also a need to understand how employability and work life relevance are transferred into career planning skills. The traditional means and methods of developing employable and confident graduates in HEs include developing students’ career skills, linking curriculum learning and career skills, supporting students’ career and professional identity development and learning from experience and career information (LMI). However, the co-operation between the academic staff and the career services often contains challenges though there is a mutual understanding that the curriculum needs to have working life relevance.
This method has been developed to the practical needs for co-operation between the career services and the academic staff. It is used to identify students’ career concerns and categorize the career related activities in studies in HE (Lairio & Penttinen 2006; Penttinen, Skaniakos & Lairio, 2013). The co-operation between career counsellors and academic teaching staff can clarify different kind of activities to support students’ career related processes in HE. The theoretical framework for the method lies on the ideas of Savickas’s (2005) career construction theory and the sociological viewpoint introduced in Careership theory from Hodkinson and Sparkes (1997).
The method is introduced by active group work. A clear theory-driven model is introduced for organizing a workshop which helps to develop the co-operation between career service and counsellors and academic staff.

Universitys of Eastern Finland / University of Helsinki, Finland
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
career services, career skills, employability, higher education, tool,

Tool 12: Salmondo – web application for support of career counseling

Tibor KučeraFoyer

Salmondo is a web application that aims to support career counselors at secondary schools in providing their services effectively to all students who need it.
It helps its users to gain deeper knowledge of their talents through the mapping of the structure of their personality, motivation, interests and skills. Subsequently Salmondo helps users to define their personal vision, plan their goals and motivates them on their way to fulfil them through periodic coaching.
Students can work with Salmondo independently through web application and make use of psychological tests, questionnaires, positive psychology modules or search in database of professions or study fields. The outputs of each module can be easily shared in the app with the career advisor and used as a support material for the individual counseling. Thanks to that career counselor gets much additional information about students she/he can build on and contribute to student’s career decision easier.
Salmondo’s architecture is based on the best practices of career counselling and it links the key areas of career counselling: self-knowledge, planning and activity (motivation).
Self-knowledge chapter is focused on better understanding of users’ personality, strengths, interests, values and motivation. It includes several psychological tests and questionnaires, as well as modules based on positive psychology and managerial techniques. In following sections, users are led to work with all information they put together in self-knowledge chapter and make use of other relevant information from databases of study options (schools and study programs) and occupations. They can create a personal long-term plan (vision) with specific (SMART) goals that leads to its fulfilment. Subsequently they can use online GROW coaching, track their progress and stay motivated to achieve their goals.

Salmondo, Czech republic
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
ICT in career counselling, online application, secondary education, tool,

Tool 13: The “Talents & Transitions Patchwork” (TTP) method

David John BourneFoyer

The “Talents & Transitions Patchwork” is both a counselling method and a product. It was first designed by an occupational psychologist, David J. Bourne, during career counselling sessions. Nowadays, the method is widely used by more than 200 practitioners in France (FONGECIF, CIBC, GRETA, PES,…) to facilitate the exploration of individuals experience especially in the frame of “Bilans de Compétences” and in the frame of career counselling.
The method offers the metaphor of a patchwork quilt for exploring individuals’ life experiences from a holistic and constructivist perspective.
The patchwork is considered and used in the career counselling process as a medium of self-expression. It “captures and illustrates activities experienced by individuals throughout their lives: each patchwork is made up of different patches sewn together, symbolising experienced activities in which the individual can bring contrasting backgrounds together to create meaning” (Pouyaud and Bourne, 2017). As a highly significant personal pattern, the patchwork is co-analysed by the client and the practitioner through the counselling process”.
The TTP method offers an effective manner to explore personal construct systems by allowing easy access to content that may otherwise be difficult to verbalise. In that sense, it is an innovative way of helping people describes their worlds with their own words and drawings.

OTT Partners, Ireland
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
constructivism, narrative approach, reflexivity, tool,

Tool 14: The Career and Values Genokeygram (CV Genokey) – Empower Yourself With the new Genokey Lens!

Esther Tan & Josephine Kim & M. NakkulaFoyer

The Career and Values Genokeygram (CV Genokey) was newly-developed as a career counseling tool that explores the impact of significant relationships on one’s career decisions.
Career choices and the career-life values of key people (familial and nonfamilial significant others) are examined to uncover their underlying influences on one’s choices as these key people influencers often play key roles to influence our career-life trajectories in more ways than we know. The CV Genokey draws from the foundations of career genograms, but incorporated significant others beyond one’s family of origin by adding on one’s later-life positive and negative influencers, with a key addition of a deeper exploration of one’s career-life values, all in one diagram. The Genokey’s goal is to facilitate the process of exploring one’s past, present, and future and aims to reveal hidden roadblocks and clarify implicit and unnamed career-life values, ultimately empowering one to make changes in career goals. The tool consists of two parts: a visual component where one draws a Career and Values Genokeygram, followed by a reflective exercise, where one engages in the structured process of reflecting and journaling. Three case studies will be presented alongside to illustrate the application of the Genokey to an Asian clientele, across varying age groups.
This tool helps the counsellor to consolidate the client’s personal attributes such as interests, values, skills, together with unexamined key influencers, all in one diagrammatic form for further analyses and processing together with the career counsellor. It helps the counsellor to organize information quickly in a structured manner, and with aid of structured reflective questions to surface one’s thought-action gap in fulfilling what they would like to pursue, rather than what their significant others’ might have wanted them to pursue. The tool facilitates a process to uncover, clarify, and empower.

Fuller Graduate School of Psychology (USA, Singapore) / Harvard Graduate School of Education (USA) / University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
family, genograms, significant others, tool, values,

Tool 15: The e-portfolio: a new tool for career learning

Anita Montagna & Giulio IannisFoyer

The portfolio is a tool for promoting self-reflection and is often used in career education to foster self-regulated learning, favour sense-making processes and promote career management skills, a set of transversal key competences for managing lifelong study and work transitions.
The e-portfolio represents a fully customisable digital version of the portfolio. It allows the creation of personalised and flexible learning environments and can be used both in its landline and mobile versions. The e-portfolio supports different input materials, allows both individual and group activities and is completely open-source.
The e-portfolio provided by Mahara (an open-source platfom) was used and adapted to help a group of n=70 higher secondary school students document and reflect on their learning-at-work experience (LAWE) and to help them enhance the guidance potential of these experiences.
The intervention lasted for three weeks. The e-portfolio worked as a support tool for the entire intervention (using both computers and mobile phones). Prior to the LAWE, students were offered an initial session of career education focused on self-exploration, expectations and on mapping the learning-at-work professional context. They then took part in their LAWE and for three weeks documented and tracked the experience. In the last day, they attended a follow-up closing session to reflect on, evaluate and locate the experience done in their career journey.
Using the Mahara e-portfolio, the practitioner was able to dynamically track the students’ progress and to measure a series of key indicators of impact (such as grade of completion of the different sessions, students’ satisfaction, qualitative analysis of the content created, expectations met).
Students reported high satisfactory levels for the intervention, improved knowledge of the professional profiles associated to the LAWE context and increased self-awareness on personal interests, strengths and future plans. Results suggest the potential of the use of the e-portofolio to support LAWEs.

Centro Studi Pluriversum, Italy
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
career guidance, digital tool, learning-at-work, portfolio, secondary education, tool,

Tool 16: Workbooks “8 myths about choosing a future profession. Choose Your High School"

Katerina Malkova & Petra SnepfenbergovaFoyer

Workbooks “8 Myths” represent a practical tool for the selection of secondary school and future career path for pupils of the 8th - 9th classes of primary schools. The choice of vocational education at the age of 14-15 years is a complex task that is influenced by many factors. It's a personal immaturity, insufficient degree of self-knowledge, lack of knowledge of the labor market, low awareness of the opportunities of the education system, focusing on short-term goals, suggestibility opinions by the reference group (parents, peers, teachers, advertising schools). Promoting the ability of adolescents to make autonomous and responsible decisions based on clearly defined criteria is crucial in the process of choosing a future educational and career path. Therefore, the first part of the workbook is devoted to the stereotypes that often lead to incorrect reasoned decision. In this section, teens are encouraged to reflect on their own opinion of 8 most common myths about career choice. In the second part of the workbook there is a set of practical exercises in a logical sequence performed teenagers determining the actual educational goals, shaping ideas about their future life, the process of self-knowledge, awareness of their abilities and interests to the selection of secondary school and plan action steps. The key to selecting a discipline is Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory. Among other things, pupils learn about such important terms as competences, values, learning styles, personal branding, lifelong learning. Workbooks are supplemented by links to other information sources from career guidance network in the Czech Republic, thematic videos and a recommended books for teenagers. Pilot use of workbooks for primary schools in teaching the subject "Career Choice" will run from September 2019 with the support of the Local Action Plan ORP Tišnov in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic.

Smart Course, Czech Republic
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
choice of secondary school, Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, responsible decision-making, tool, workbooks,

Tool 17: SOMOPRO programme as a tool to encourage gender balance in research at the South Moravian region

Michael DoležalFoyer

SoMoPro – the South Moravian Programme for Distinguished Researchers was established in 2009 to support the research base in the South Moravian region. Since its establishment, a total of 71 researchers have participated in this unique scheme. The programme helps the host institution to keep research on European level, contribute to networking with research centres and arrange for knowledge transfer.
The programme offers equal opportunities for both males and females. However, to increase the number of female researchers a special Career Restart Panel has been introduce to soften the entry conditions for women after a career break.
Special arrangements have been in place to deal with women on maternity leaves during the project span. This helps to improve the work-life balance for female researchers.

JCMM z.s.p.o., Brno, Czech Republic
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
Career Restart Panel, gender balance, maternity leave, SoMoPro, tool,

Tool 18 (book signing): Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice (2019)

Nancy Arthur & Mary McMahon & Roberta Neault (Eds.)Foyer

Join us to learn more about a new book on theories and models of career development! Our new edited international collection of contemporary and emerging career development theories and models is practice-focused. The book can be used by practitioners or as a text for undergraduate and graduate career counselling courses. Readers have shared ideas about how they have been using the book in creative ways, individually and with colleagues. Join us to learn more about those ideas to help you transfer knowledge about theories and models to your practice setting.
This publication provides practitioners with a tangible resource they can use to develop theory-informed interventions.
• Contains 43 chapters on the theories and models that define the practice of career development today
• Contributors are 60 of the leading career researchers and practitioners from four continents and nine countries: Australia, Canada, England, Finland, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States
• Featured authors include the original theorists and those who have adapted the work in unique ways to inform career development practice

Presented in a reader-friendly format, each chapter includes a Case Vignette that illustrates how a theory or model can be applied in practice, and Practice Points that summarize key takeaways for career practitioners to implement with clients. Additional references are also included. This is the book that makes theories and models practical!

The University of Queensland, Australia (1,2) / The University of South Australia (3)
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
book, practice, theories, tool,

Tool 19 (book signing): Making school relevant with individualized learning plans

V. Scott SolbergFoyer

Counseling expert V. Scott H. Solberg introduces a new paradigm and framework for career development focused on teaching skills that all students need to set long-term goals and experience postsecondary success. Based on nearly a decade of research and technical assistance in schools, the book shows how educators can leverage the use of individual learning plans (ILPs) to help students identify their interests and create their own career pathways using resources inside and outside of school.
In Making School Relevant with Individualized Learning Plans, Solberg argues that the most effective career development is delivered using a multiyear whole-school approach led by caring advisors and other mentors, combined with the use of readily available online tools and resources. Core chapters provide examples of specific activities and resources that advisors and others can draw on for helping students develop three critical skill sets: selfexploration, career exploration, and career planning and self-management, all of which are needed to succeed in the world of work.
This book will help educators and youth development leaders understand how ILPs prepare their youth to become college- and career-ready and thereby transition from high school with the competencies and drive necessary to pursue their career and life goals.

Boston University, USA
Thu 16:30 - 18:30
book, career education, individualized learning plans, tool,

Tool 20: IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE WORLD OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT ALWAYS VISIBLE: Virtual reality & online living library challenges prejudices

Juraj Récky & Ondrej MlynárFoyer

The labour market today is very challenging. Many companies are searching for motivated employees who would be able to work. Nowadays companies have more focus on how to get to their potential employees who are not visible or they did not have an opportunity to start their working career because of discrimination or bad social - economics environment. How it is to be in their skin?

If you work as a Career Counsellor or HR Manager the opportunity to try Virtual reality and get into the skin of the others is here. Thanks to the non profit organization EDUMA you can try what does it mean to be young Roma, person without home, sightless or to have some handicap and to go through obstacles in our society.

What would you do in their situation? What would you do if you could not put of the Virtual reality? Experience how it is to be different but at the end the same. Know more their stories also through the Online Living Library.

Virtual Reality enables you to peep into the world of the deaf, blind, Roma or people with physical handicap. Find yourself in the skin of those who experience obstacles in our society. Thanks to Virtual Reality you will hopefully come to understand, how it feels to face the prejudices, intolerance and rejection in the society.

The Online Living Library is an online educational portal which is full of Human Books that have found the courage to share their stories. They openly speak about their obstacles to overcome their handicap, race, culture, religion or social background. They help us understand young people who face rejection and discrimination. Human Books should not only inspire and motivate, but also break down prejudices towards disadvantaged groups of people. Its goal is to make people build and develop their own ideas and critical thinking, not only copy the opinions of others, as well as to help them perceive a particular topic from many viewpoints and to be able to form their own attitudes.

Thu 16:30 - 18:30
living library, tool, virtual reality,