Expectations and roles of different stakeholders, different approaches to these changes and challenges.
Contributions in this area should discuss how the economic and technological changes referred to as Industry 4.0 could contribute to a more inclusive society (Inclusive Society 4.0?). What is the role of career guidance in the era of Industry 4.0 and in the context of social changes driven by it. Other possible topics include discussion about questions such as:
- What are the expectations connected with Industry 4.0 amongst the various stakeholders of career guidance? Where are the tensions and alignments in these different viewpoints?
- Can agreement be found regarding the life skills that support social inclusion? What is the role of different stakeholders in supporting these skills among citizens/clients/employees?
- Is Industry 4.0 supporting lifelong learning and will it bring more meaningful work in the future? What is our role in designing a better future within it?
- In the light of these social changes is it more important that ever to ensure that career guidance and career development is committed to social justice?
- What is the role of teachers, career guidance practitioners, and career guidance education in preparing young generation for 4.0 labour market?
- What are the possible career and HR development strategies and practices in companies which can help to respond to these changes and challenges?
- How much do career guidance practitioners’ skills and career management skills need to be changed for 4.0 labour market?
- To what extent will nascent technologies will affect the way we obtain, store and disseminate career guidance information?
- How are socio-economic trends (such as platform economies, general unconditional income, alternative economies) contributing to an inclusive society 4.0? What challenges do they bring for career guidance practice?
… and other possible topics for discussion