Dve voliteľné príležitosti sú ponúknuté účastníkom Konferencie IAEVG 2019. Veríme, že tieto príležitosti im umožnia plne využiť návštevu v strednej Európe. Táto voliteľná prvá časť programu bude organizovaná v Brne v dňoch 9. – 10. septembra 2019.
Študijné návštevy (9. september 2019)
Študijné návštevy poskytnú príležitosť dozvedieť sa viac o kontexte a podobe kariérového poradenstva v prostredí strednej európy. Účastníci budú mať príležitosť stretnúť sa s príkladmi dobrej praxe v Českej republike a navštíviť organizácie ocenené Národnou cenou kariérového poradenstva, ako sú univerzitné poradenské centrum prepájajúce študentov so zamestnávateľmi, regionálnych poskytovateľov a neziskové organizácie zamerané na dôstojnú participáciu Rómov.
Účastníci si budú môcť zvoliť 2 organizácie (z celkových ôsmich) počas nasledujúcich časových slotov dňa 9. septembra 2019:
- 13:00 – 15:00
- 15:30 – 17:30
- Centrum Vzdělávání všem (CVV)
Guidance centre for anyone throughout the region regardless of age or personal situation, and most of our services are free of charge. They do career counselling and further education with students, adults, teachers and professionals. As a government organization their services are for free.
IQ Roma Servis belongs to the most prestige NGOs in the Czech Republic and to prominent experts on social integrating. Target group of their direct work are primary social excluded Romanies and Romanies in an unfavourable life situation. Except for others social services they do career counselling, employment consultancy and employment services.
Celzus – social rehabilitation is set of social services that help socially disadvantaged people. Celzus´s mission is to help clients live freely in their natural surroundings and in contact with other people. They focus on helping people in crisis, with mental illness or to support long – term unemployed people. Counsellors do individual counselling not just in the office but also at clients homes, psychiatric hospitals, anywhere else in the centre of Brno.
AGAPO is a non profit organisation that provides social rehabilitation services. Its mission is to support employment of people with various types of disabilities or social disadvantages. Based on the method of supported employment, AGAPO offers several programs for its clients. Individual counseling includes practicing the skills necessary to find and keep an employment, assistance in the individual search for a suitable job, employment-legal counseling, adjusting the work environment, working assistance in the workplace or assistance in solving any problems in the workplace.
As the only organization in the South Moravian Region AGAPO provides the Transition Program “ from school to employment“. Transition program helps students with special educational needs to facilitate the transition from school to employment. With the support of an assistant, young adults with special educational needs focus on gaining experience on the open labor market through individual practice and increase their chances of future employment.
Career Centre is an official recruitment – consulting agency of Masaryk University that connects employers with students and fresh graduates of Masaryk University. The Centre provides individual counselling, development trainings and events with employers in order to help its clients to enter a job market more easily. Since 2016, Centre is running a platform JobCheckIN – an official university career network that enables employers to find suitable employees and fresh graduates to start a successful career. Career Centre of Masaryk University was repeatedly awarded by the National Career Counselling Award (2012 – 2015 and 2017).
- Úřad práce – Informational Counselling Centre Brno and Eures counsellors
The Labour Office of the Czech Republic is the national body responsible for employment and social support with branches in all regions of the country. Informational Counselling Centres (IPS) are providing individual and group counselling for pupils, students and graduates as well as for general public regarding career choice and employment. The study visit will be also accompanied by EURES counselors – representatives of the European network facilitating international mobility of labour.
- Biskupské gymnázium (střední škola)
The Episcopal High School is offering counselling services to its students, parents and teachers. Career services provided mostly to the students in the 3rd year are focused on psychodiagnostics (personality tests, tests of interests) followed by the individual consultations. Moreover, students are participating in three-days programme focused on reflection of their goals, action planning and discovering their potential for further development. The training is also encouraging students self-esteem and openness to the various possibilities.
- ZS Bakalovo nábřeží (základní škola)
The elementary school Bakalovo nábřeží is focused on languages since 1966. Career guidance – e.g. informational meetings, consultations, cooperation with relevant organisations such as secondary schools or pedagogical-psychological centre – is provided for pupils and parents. Moreover, there is a mandatory school subject “Work activities” for the pupils of the 8th grade that is focused on financial literacy and career choice including the following topics: self-knowledge, career planning, learning and working possibilities, labour market information and related topics (CV, motivational letter, interview, etc.).
The centre provides career guidance, coaching, psychological measurement, psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling, study counselling, support and guidance for clients with specific needs. Our services are free of charge for students as well as for non/academic staff. We also take part in organising Career Days at Mendel University and, finally, we offer wide range of workshops and courses aimed at self-development of its participants such as Meditation, Stress and Time Management, Memory Training, Teamwork and Leadership, Designing a Vision Board, Emotional Intelligence, Cross-Cultural Communication.
Localisation of study visits in Brno (zoom in):
Globálne sympózium IAEVG (10. september 2019)
Globálne Sympózium IAEVG bude súčasťou udalostí v Brne pred konferenciou v Bratislave a bude sa konať 10. septembra 2019 (utorok) v dopoludňajších hodinách (9h – 13h). Sympózium bude zamerané na rolu komunity kariérového poradenstva v rozvoji národných poradenských systémov: hlasy kariérových poradcov a združení v rozvoji systému, dialóg medzi praktikmi, združeniami a tvorcami politík.
Diskusia bude zameraná na nasledovné témy:
- Ako sa môžu kariéroví poradcovia a poradkyne a ich združenia zapájať do tvorby národných poradenských systémov?
- Aká prax sa zatiaľ osvedčila (napr. Národné poradenské fóra, atď.)?
- Je možné hovoriť o dialógu a vzájomnom učení sa medzi poradcami/združeniami a tvorcami politík? Čo je možné zlepšiť v tomto dialógu?
- Ako môžu byť kariéroví poradcovia a poradkyne/združenia zapojení do implementácie politík v oblasti kariérového poradenstva?
- Aké zmeny prebiehajú ohľadom rolí, ktoré zohráva kariérové poradenstvo, poradcovia a ich združenia?
- Sú kariérové poradkyne a poradcovia dostatočne zapojení do výskumu v tejto oblasti?
- Ako môžeme podporovať inkluzívne a demokratické politiky a systémy kariérového poradenstva?
Účastníkom bude poskytnuté ubytovania zdarma z pondelka 9.9.2019 na utorok 10.9.2019. Spoločná večera bude organizovaná v pondelok večer. Globálne sympózium IAEVG bude otvorené asi 50 lokálnym a regionálnym zúčastneným stranám z Českej republiky, Slovenska, Poľska a Maďarska, ako aj iných krajín z regiónu strednej a východnej Európy. Celkovo bude Sympózium otvorené asi 150 účastníkom.